A.D. 2040 June 4
The Monday After the Second Sunday After Pentecost
Proper 4
Revised Common Lectionary Expanded Daily Readings — Year C
Semicontinuous Series
- Idols in the temple, violence in the land — Ezekiel 8
- Idols do not speak or hear — Psalm 135
- An angel sends Philip — Acts 8:26–34
- The centurion’s appeal to Jesus — John 8:5–13
Complementary Series
- God’s mercy on the Ninevites — Jonah 4
- God’s favor like a shield — Psalm 5
- An angel sends Philip — Acts 8:26–34
- The centurion’s appeal to Jesus — John 8:5–13
Other lectionaries
Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings — Year C
Semicontinuous Series
- Idols in the temple, violence in the land — Ezekiel 8
- Idols do not speak or hear — Psalm 135
- The gospel is shared with an Ethiopian — Acts 8:26–40
Complementary Series
- God’s mercy on the Ninevites — Jonah 4
- God’s favor like a shield — Psalm 5
- The gospel is shared with an Ethiopian — Acts 8:26–40
Liturgical Colors