A.D. 2026 November 6
The Friday Before the Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Proper 27
Revised Common Lectionary Expanded Daily Readings — Year A
Semicontinuous Series
- Joshua renews the covenant — Joshua 8:30–35
- The power of God — Psalm 78:1–7
- Strength and courage amid persecution — I Thessalonians 3:1–5
- My words will not pass away — Matthew 24:29–35
Complementary Series
- Israel’s guilt and punishment — Amos 3:1–12
- You are my helper and deliverer — Psalm 70
- Strength and courage amid persecution — I Thessalonians 3:1–5
- My words will not pass away — Matthew 24:29–35
Other lectionaries
Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings — Year A
Semicontinuous Series
- Joshua renews the covenant — Joshua 8:30–35
- The power of God — Psalm 78:1–7
- Unrepentant humankind persists in sin — Revelation 9:13–21
Complementary Series
- Israel’s guilt and punishment — Amos 3:1–12
- You are my helper and deliverer — Psalm 70
- Unrepentant humankind persists in sin — Revelation 9:13–21
Liturgical Colors