A.D. 1949 July 25
The Monday After the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Proper 12
Revised Common Lectionary Expanded Daily Readings — Year B
Semicontinuous Series
- Uriah killed in battle — II Samuel 11:14–21
- The wicked plot against the righteous — Psalm 37:12–22
- Christian generosity — Philippians 4:10–20
- Jesus feeds five thousand — Luke 9:10b–17
Complementary Series
- God eats with Abraham and Sarah — Genesis 18:1–15
- God gives food — Psalm 111
- Christian generosity — Philippians 4:10–20
- Jesus feeds five thousand — Luke 9:10b–17
Other lectionaries
Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings — Year B
Semicontinuous Series
- Uriah killed in battle — II Samuel 11:14–21
- The wicked plot against the righteous — Psalm 37:12–22
- Christian generosity — Philippians 4:10–20
Complementary Series
- God eats with Abraham and Sarah — Genesis 18:1–15
- God gives food — Psalm 111
- Christian generosity — Philippians 4:10–20
Liturgical Colors