A.D. 2038 January


Friday, January 1

  • The Circumcision and Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
  • The Eighth Day of Christmas

Saturday, January 2

  • The Ninth Day of Christmas
  • Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, Bishop in South India, Evangelist, 1945

Sunday, January 3

  • The Second Sunday of Christmas
  • The Tenth Day of Christmas

Monday, January 4

  • The Eleventh Day of Christmas

Tuesday, January 5

  • The Last Day of Christmas (Twelfth Night)

Wednesday, January 6

  • The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Thursday, January 7

  • The First Day After the Epiphany

Friday, January 8

  • The Second Day After the Epiphany

Saturday, January 9

  • The Third Day After the Epiphany

Sunday, January 10

  • The First Sunday of Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
  • William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1645

Monday, January 11

  • The Monday in the First Week After Epiphany

Tuesday, January 12

  • The Tuesday in the First Week After Epiphany

Wednesday, January 13

  • The Wednesday in the First Week After Epiphany
  • Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 367

Thursday, January 14

  • The Thursday in the First Week After Epiphany
  • Kentigern, Missionary to Strathclyde and Cumbria, 603

Friday, January 15

  • The Friday in the First Week After Epiphany

Saturday, January 16

  • The Saturday in the First Week After Epiphany

Sunday, January 17

  • The Second Sunday of Epiphany
  • Anthony, Hermit in Egypt, 356

Monday, January 18

  • Confession of Peter the Apostle
  • The Monday in the Second Week After Epiphany

Tuesday, January 19

  • The Tuesday in the Second Week After Epiphany
  • Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095

Wednesday, January 20

  • The Wednesday in the Second Week After Epiphany
  • Fabian, Bishop of Rome and Martyr, 250

Thursday, January 21

  • The Thursday in the Second Week After Epiphany
  • Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304

Friday, January 22

  • The Friday in the Second Week After Epiphany
  • Vincent, Deacon of Saragossa, Martyr, 304

Saturday, January 23

  • The Saturday in the Second Week After Epiphany

Sunday, January 24

  • The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Monday, January 25

  • Conversion of Paul the Apostle
  • The Monday in the Third Week After Epiphany

Tuesday, January 26

  • The Tuesday in the Third Week After Epiphany
  • Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul the Apostle

Wednesday, January 27

  • The Wednesday in the Third Week After Epiphany
  • Lydia, Dorcas and Phoebe, Helpers of the Apostles

Thursday, January 28

  • The Thursday in the Third Week After Epiphany
  • Thomas Aquinas, Friar, Priest, and Teacher of the Faith, 1274

Friday, January 29

  • The Friday in the Third Week After Epiphany
  • Lesslie Newbigin, Bishop and Ecumenist, 1998

Saturday, January 30

  • The Saturday in the Third Week After Epiphany
  • Charles, King and Martyr, 1649

Sunday, January 31

  • The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
  • Samuel Shoemaker, Priest and Renewer of Society, 1963