A.D. 2082 August 9–15


Sunday, August 9

  • The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
  • Mary Sumner, Founder of the Mothers’ Union and Renewer of Society, 1921

Monday, August 10

  • The Monday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost
  • Laurence, Deacon and Martyr at Rome, 258

Tuesday, August 11

  • The Tuesday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost
  • Clare, Abbess of Assisi, 1253

Wednesday, August 12

  • The Wednesday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost
  • Charles Inglis, First Bishop of Canada, 1787

Thursday, August 13

  • The Thursday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost
  • Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down and Connor, Teacher of the Faith, 1667

Friday, August 14

  • The Friday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost
  • Roger Schutz, Monk of Taizé and Ecumenist, 2005

Saturday, August 15

  • The Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ
  • The Saturday in the Ninth Week After Pentecost