A.D. 2039 February


Tuesday, February 1

  • The Tuesday in the Fourth Week After Epiphany
  • Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, 523

Wednesday, February 2

  • The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
  • The Wednesday in the Fourth Week After Epiphany

Thursday, February 3

  • The Thursday in the Fourth Week After Epiphany
  • Anskar, Bishop and Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865

Friday, February 4

  • The Friday in the Fourth Week After Epiphany
  • Cornelius the Centurion

Saturday, February 5

  • The Saturday in the Fourth Week After Epiphany
  • Martyrs of Japan, 1597

Sunday, February 6

  • The Fifth Sunday of Epiphany

Monday, February 7

  • The Monday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

Tuesday, February 8

  • The Tuesday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

Wednesday, February 9

  • The Wednesday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

Thursday, February 10

  • The Thursday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany
  • Scholastica, Abbess, 543

Friday, February 11

  • The Friday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

Saturday, February 12

  • The Saturday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

Sunday, February 13

  • The Sixth Sunday of Epiphany (World Mission Sunday)
  • Absalom Jones, First African-American Priest, 1818

Monday, February 14

  • The Monday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany
  • Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs, 869, 885

Tuesday, February 15

  • The Tuesday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany
  • Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary, Founder of SPG and SPCK, 1730

Wednesday, February 16

  • The Wednesday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany

Thursday, February 17

  • The Thursday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany
  • Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda and Martyr, 1977

Friday, February 18

  • The Friday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany
  • Martin Luther, Reformer of the Church, 1546

Saturday, February 19

  • The Saturday in the Sixth Week After Epiphany

Sunday, February 20

  • The Last Sunday of Epiphany (Transfiguration Sunday)

Monday, February 21

  • The Monday in the Last Week After Epiphany
  • William “Billy” Graham, Evangelist, 2018

Tuesday, February 22

  • Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras)

Wednesday, February 23

  • Ash Wednesday
  • Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, 156

Thursday, February 24

  • Matthias the Apostle
  • The Thursday After Ash Wednesday

Friday, February 25

  • The Friday After Ash Wednesday

Saturday, February 26

  • The Saturday After Ash Wednesday

Sunday, February 27

  • The First Sunday in Lent
  • George Herbert, Priest and Poet, 1633

Monday, February 28

  • The Monday in the First Week of Lent
  • John Cassian, Monk and Teacher of the Faith, 453